Welcome to the second blog about our fantastic trip to Africa.  In our first blog, Mashatu-sep-2016.com, we tell you how Ed’s great daughter, Kim, and her husband, Jon, made my dream come true – a camera safari to Africa – not just one safari – two!  Our first safari was at Mashatu Tent Camp in Botswana. Feel free to visit the first blog for the lead-in information.

On this blog you will find our adventures and see our pictures from our second safari -Tanda Tula Safari Camp, Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, South Africa.

The About page will give you information on the Camp. Then there will be a page for each day that we were there – September 15 through September 18.

If you want an adventure like you could never believe, we recommend Jessica Fraser from Africa Adventure Company (800 882-9453) www.Africa-Adventure.com.

Hope you enjoy this blog!